Saturday, October 25, 2008

What is happening to conservatism?

I have been sitting in hotels in the evening for most of the past 4 months or so. To say the least, I have just about overdosed on political news. We are headlong into the final days before the Presidential election with Barack Obama leading in most major polls. I am conservative. I believe that in times past, the Republican party best represented my personal views on how traditional values should be protected and our culture preserved. That culture being part of a Christian nation, God-fearing, family-centric, patriotic, protectors and preservers of God-given rights and privileges. Through our history we have been willing to sacrifice the blood of our children to fight tyranny and evil before it spreads and becomes a threat to the values we hold most sacred.

Fast-forward to our current time. In decades past our nation has forgotten our heritage, forgotten God and have embraced the very decadence and immorality we fought to prevent. The leading candidate for President this election was raised as a Muslim and espouses a Socialist agenda. He is actually our leading candidate. If elected he will use the IRS to steal earnings from hard working, successful Americans and give it to the less fortunate in our culture. Granted there are individuals and families that really do need help but I believe the vast majority of the recipients of this intended welfare are idle and non-industrious.

Many things will change in a future economy under this Muslim-born candidate. Those who are deemed "wealthy" under his plan will find that the rewards of their labors will be diverted to others without his consent and then he will allow his earnings to fall below the "wealth" threshold so he can keep most of his earnings. There will be a rise in class warfare as the idle rise in wealth and the providers rise in resent of those elevated on their backs. Many who dreamed of building a business and establishing means by which they can retire in comfort and donate to causes of their choosing will face the moral barrier of entry. The question will be; Do I strive to gain wealth to support the idle or do I only achieve the status of those who fall between "needy" and "wealthy" so they are less burdened with Socialist policies.

Socialist leadership will also espouse the idea of same-sex marriage and destroy the once sacred union of marriage between a man and a woman. In the most traditional sense, a man and woman marry and children come from that union. The woman, who has strong natural tendencies to nurture and comfort, is the person primary in raising young children. Young children see mommy and daddy and see natural affection between them. They are much more likely to be mentally and emotionally balanced in life because of their "traditional" upbringing. Same-sex marriage will destroy the validity of the marriage union. In time, couples, homosexual or not, will not marry as the incentive to do so will vanish. Government will no longer protect the female gender as a "mother" so families who desire a traditional family will be penalized, and possibly ostracised by society.